Sven Leyffer's Bio
Sven obtained his Ph.D. in 1994 from the University of Dundee, working on mixed-integer nonlinear programming problems with Roger Fletcher. He has held postdoc positions at Dundee, Northwestern, and Argonne, where he now works as a computational mathematician in the Mathematics and Computer Science Division. Sven is a Senior Fellow of the Computation Institute at the University of Chicago, and an Adjunct Professor at Northwestern University.
Sven is the current SIAM Vice President for Programs, a co-editor of Mathematical Programming and an editor-in-chief of Mathematical Methods of Operations Research. He serves on the editorial board of Computational Optimization and Applications. In addition, Sven edits the SIAG/OPT Views-and-News. He has edited two special issues for Mathematical Programming and served as the INFORMS Optimization Vice-Chair for nonlinear programming and as the Program Director of the SIAM activity group on optimization.
Together with Roger Fletcher and Philippe L. Toint, Sven was awarded the Lagrange prize in optimization in 2006. In 2009, Sven became a SIAM Fellow.
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