Sven Leyffer's Test Problems

From Svenleyffer
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MacMINLP: Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programs

A collection of mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problems from academia and applications. The problems are written in the modeling language AMPL.

OPECS: Optimization Problems with Equilibrium Constraints

MacMPEC: Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints

A collection of Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints (MPEC) test problems in AMPL. The problems are largely academic with some small application examples.

BndMPCC: Bound-Constrained Mathematical Programs with Complementarity Constraints

A small collection of MPCCs that have only simple bounds or complementarity constraints between variables.

Equilibrium Problems with Equilibrium Constraints (EPEC)

A small collection or equilibrium problems with equilibrium constraints (EPECs). All models are written in AMPL.

Multiobjective Optimization Testproblems

A small collection of multi-objective optimization problems (MOOPs). The problems are written in AMPL and formulated as multi-objective problems and also as MPECs that compute an optimal approximation of the Pareto surface.

AMPL Models for MIPDECO Source Inversion

A small collection of mixed-integer PDE-constrained optimization (MIPDECO) problems that model a 2D source inversion problem.